High Desert Neuro Diagnostic


At High Desert Neuro Diagnostic Medical Group, we treat a variety of neurological disorders. Below are some of the most common signs and symptoms we use to evaluate specific neurological conditions. Our physicians are highly trained to help treat a multitude of neurological conditions for both our adult and pediatric patients.

Many people live with neurological conditions that are consuming and overwhelming. At High Desert Neuro Diagnostic Medical Group, our Neurology experts are trained to handle a variety of common and rare conditions. See below for the most common conditions we typically see and treat. If you have questions about treatments or if we have experience with a particular condition not listed below, please give us a call. We are here to make your life easier.

& Pain

Do you frequently experience debilitating headaches? It’s important to pay attention to these signs and symptoms and take action. A proper neurological assessment will be able to rule out any known neurological disorders so you can get back to enjoying your everyday life.

Numbness & Weakness

Have you been experiencing numbness and/or weakness in your hands or limbs? Do you have numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation in your hands and feet, or even other parts of your body? Make an appointment today for a neurological assessment by one of our Neurologists.

Tremors & Seizures

Do you experience unexplained tremors or seizures? Have you been previously diagnosed with Epilepsy? Our staff is skilled and trained to help treat a variety of neurological conditions related to unexplained tremors and seizures. Make an appointment today for a neurological assessment.

Neck & back pain

Have you experienced periodic or frequent neck and back pain that’s just not going away? Have you sought help from other physician specialists, but you’re left to wonder what really is the cause for your pain? Let us help you get to the root cause – make an appointment today for an assessment.